Thursday, October 3, 2024

What To Do If Your Health Insurance Claim Get Rejected?

How many times have you faced a situation when your health insurance claim has been rejected by the insurance company?

Be it a few times or at least once.

When your health insurance claim is denied, look for errors in the claim form. You can modify your claim form with the help of a third party

Agent and valid documents. There can be many reasons for your claim to be rejected in the first place. some of the most popular. The explanations are as follows:

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Know Which One Is Better Investment Option?

Term plans and mutual funds are the 3 lowest risk investments subscribed by most of the clients in India and across the globe.

Before we go any further, let us first clarify the fact that insurance should not be viewed as an investment tool like a term insurance plan.

What To Do If Your Health Insurance Claim Get Rejected?

How many times have you faced a situation when your health insurance claim has been rejected by the insurance company? Be it a few times or...

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